Selamat datang di tempat berkumpulnya software dan ebook gratis. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan software Directory List and Print Pro Full Versi. Directory List and Print Pro adalah software untuk Windows dan memungkinkan untuk mencetak isi dari direktori dengan cara yang sederhana. Dengan menyalin ke clipboard, daftar dapat di ekspor ke program lain atau di buka di Word dan Excel.
Fitur- fitur dari Directory List and Print Pro antara lain:
- Save own directory favorites.
- Set directory rercusion depth fir subdirectories.
- Display of file attributes such as Read Only, Hidden, System, etc.
- Calculate CRC32 checksums for files.
- Display of title of document file (pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx).
- Display of extent of document files if possible (pdf,doc,docx,xlsx,pptx).
- Display the version number and title of executables (exe,dll).
- Display format of audio/video and image files.
- Display of dimensions like width, height, bit depth, dpi or frame/s.
- Display duration and title of audio and video files.
- Display of frame rate and bit rate of video files.
- Display of continuous numbering of the objects.
- Display of column titles in teh first row.
- Show Number and sum of size and lenght of the displayed objects.
- Display of the date in many different international formats.
- Display the duration of media files in different time formats.
- Set filter to certain file size range.
- Set filter to include or exclude certain file types.
- Set filter to include or eclude files and directories by certain terms.
- Set filter to include or exclude files by date range, date created or modified.
- Output the list directly to the default printer.
- Output the list as HTML table.
- Output the list as XML file.
- Output the list in comma-or tab-delimited file or CSV file.
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Dan buat para sobat yang belum mempunyai software untuk mengekstrak file .Rar silahkan klik disini!!!
Untuk cara installasinya:
- jalankan program yang tadi sobat download.
- tidak membutuhkan crack/key.
- enjooyyyyy
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